Residential and Commercial Painting Services
We didn't start yesterday... With over 30 years of experience, we know what you need! We are NOT a franchise. We provide experience, not only in Painting, but also in construction, courtesy, respect, and professionalism. No job is complete until you sign off saying you're happy! Woman owned.
Take comfort in knowing we have your back. Touch up any dings that may have happened since your paint project after one year from completion and final payment. This is includes Labor only, paint supplied by the customer. Preferably utilizing your left over paint we leave with you upon completion to assure a perfect match. We do not guarantee a perfect match of touch ups if excessive dire, oil, etc. is on existing surfaces. This service must be requested and scheduled as any other service. Thank you and we look forward to being there for you!
We service: Round Rock, Georgetown, Pflugerville, Cedar Park, Hutto, Liberty Hill, Leander and Austin!
Specializing in Residential Interior and Exterior Painting, Kitchen Cabinet Painting, Fence and Deck Staining, Commercial Interior Painting, Commercial Exterior Painting, Drywall Repairs, Rotted Wood Repairs, Free Estimates, Color Consultations, and more, in Round Rock, TX and surrounding areas! Call us Today for all of Your House Painting Needs!
Eco-Friendly Painting
At Kolor Pros Painting, we understand the importance of using environmentally friendly products. That's why we offer eco-friendly painting services for our clients who want to reduce their carbon footprint. Our team uses Zero VOC interior paint that is safe for you, your family, and the environment.
$100 off Senior and Military Discount
Referral Discount $100 off
Previous Preferred Customer Discount $100 off
After completion and final payment, we extend a 2 Year Warranty to assure you are happy and nothing was missed!
Best Professional House Painter!
Kolor Pros Painting provides Free Estimates, and Personal Consultations for Residential Interior and Exterior Painting, and Commercial Interior and Exterior Painting, and more! Receive your Proposal the same day and get an emailed presentation. Professional, Personal Service with Courtesy and communication throughout. That's why we are the Best Professional House Painter in Round Rock, Austin, Georgetown, Cedar Park, Hutto, Liberty Hill, Pflugerville, Leander and the surrounding areas!
So, the next time you want to search for a reliable, professional painting companyremember the Professional Painters at Kolor Pros Painting, and give us a call!
Our Vision
Color Choice
Request a FREE Estimate or Ask a Question!
Our goal is to offer customer service, from your initial quote to the completion of your project. You're not just a number. We don't let you go!
COLOR CONSULTATIONS: Personal Color Consultations with a Designer available to take the stress out of choosing your color and design! Both residential and commercial.