#1 Painting Service in Austin, TX
If you've been thinking about changing things up for a while, residential interior painting is a great way to do just that. You can add a flair of pop, recreate a dated room, or bring your home together if the current color scheme doesn't work at all. You must hire the right painters near Austin, TX, for the job. Here is where our team of Experienced and Insured painters and remodeling contractors at Kolor Pros Painting can help.
Austin Interior Painting
We specialize in Residential and Commercial painting in Round Rock and surrounding cities. If you are thinking about painting your home or business, we're the local specialists to call. We offer color consultations if you're stuck on those decisions for change. We can discuss your favorite colors, design ideas you have in mind, and find which colors will/won't work together. We can provide these ideas based upon your current decor, new furniture you want to buy, or another remodeling you'd like completed in your home.
Our Home Interior Painting Service Include:
Residential interior painting in all, one, or several rooms in the home.
Custom mixing and blending to create the perfect color for different areas of your home.
Repairing drywall, stucco, concrete, sheetrock, or damaged wood, before painting
Priming the surfaces if needed if raw drywall or stains exist.
Applying Premium Paint to achieve the perfect color.
We won't paint a wall or surface that isn't ready to be painted. We take all necessary precautions and steps to make sure the interior surfaces we're painting will retain the color well when we're finished.
Austin Exterior Painting
Residential or commercial exterior painting services have to be done properly. Imagine a glossy or satin finish on the stucco exterior. Or, a dark brown finish, with light brown trim, on a home that has a metal roof. Is it going to look that good? No matter what your taste, our team at Kolor Pros Painting offers professional home and commercial painting service and color consultations, so we can perfectly tailor the paint color with your roof, siding, driveway, floral arrangements, and more.
Residential Exterior Painting
If you can think of a material, finish, or detail work, when it comes to Kolor Pros Painting, we're the premier professionals to call! Our team has fully licensed painters and specialists, so we can take on any job, no matter how big it is.
Home Exterior Painting Services Include:
Roller painting
Trimming and detail work
Siding, driveways, and entryways
Roof painting
Give Us a Call Today
If you need a fresh coat of paint in your home or commercial properties interior or on its exterior, professionals are here to help! Give us a call at 512-677-2397 or email us today so we can schedule a consultation with you. We offer free service quotes for all painting services, so let us assess your home, provide free color consultation, and price quotes for our painting services.
Book A Residential Interior Painter